Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Walk in the Meadow

Journal entries from our very first walk in September:

By Abou, Rm 102
We went on a walk in the meadow. I caught a green grasshopper. I saw a red and black caterpillar. It was big and furry. There was a praying mantis on a log. It was a cold day. I saw lots of insects.

By Shanelle, Rm 102
We went on a walk in the meadow. I saw many nice things on our walk. It was sunny and warm. My favourite part was seeing a praying mantis. We saw insects, flowers, trees and tall grass.

By Tiyalize, Rm 209
We went on a walk in the meadow. I saw two crikets. I also saw a pink flower and a purple flower. I learned not to pick things in nature. It’s bad when you’re taking it from its habitat.

By Zack, Rm 209
We went on a walk in the meadow. I saw a grasshopper. It jumped on my leg. I put my hand over it and it jumped away.

By Megan, Rm 209
we went on a walk in the meadow. I saw a grasshopper it was on the grass. it blended in with the grass. At first i didn't notice it but then I saw it moving on the grass. It was a big grasshopper and it scared me.

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