Friday, May 30, 2008

A Walk in the Forest

By Ardijana, Rm 208.

We went for a walk in the forest at Rouge Park. We went on Friday, May 30th from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Just our class went to Rouge Park. We walked through the neighborhood to the park. We walked in the forest to learn about nature. At first it was partly cloudy and then it was rainy. We walked across a bridge over a river.

We saw: a robin, some wild rhubarb, a chipmunk, three deer, a duck, some big mushrooms, a woodpecker a nuthatch, river rapids, logs, some campers, some people walking their dogs, some joggers, some white trilliums, tall trees and a tree-stump left buy a beaver.

We closed our eyes to listen and we heard: the river flowing, birds chirping, the wind blowing through the trees, twigs snapping, leaves rustling and a woodpecker pecking.

We ate lunch on the grass. After lunch we threw the Frisbee. Then we walked up some stairs made from logs. There were lots of bugs. Even though it was raining, we did not get wet because the trees covered us. When the rain stopped, we walked back to school.

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