Thursday, June 11, 2009

Into the Forest

Tiyalize, Rm 209

Today our class went through the meadow, through the forest, over the Rouge River and into a new area of the Rouge Valley. My favourite part was when we closed our eyes and listened for different sounds. We heard different kinds of birds and pointed in their direction. It was awesome.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Water Art

The following graphic artwork was created by Mitchell from Rm 208. Each "word cloud" was generated using the software found on Wordle ( He brainstormed the topic "water" (How is it used? Why is it important? How do we conserve it?) and typed out all his ideas into the program. The program generates a word cloud based upon the words that are typed. The more times a word is typed the larger it appears.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Memories of Walking Wednesday

By Kristof, Rm 208
Every Walking Wednesday we explore our community in different ways. We go to the park, meadow, forest, river and neighbourhood. One time we observed scat, animal bones and fur. I think the scat was from a fox. One time Rachael discovered a snake under the grass. I found a slug in the grass. We went to the meadow and collected soil samples. My favourite memory is when I collected a caterpillar to observe. Then, I released it back in the wild.

By Ardijana, Rm 208
We went on exciting adventures in the meadow and the forest. We investigated many animals and plants: caterpillars, praying mantis, snakes, snails, grass hoppers, rabbits, ants, birds, field mice, white trilliums, magnolia trees. We observed animal bones, fur and scat. I think it was a squirrel that got eaten by a fox or coyote. We investigated growing soil and compacted soil samples. We learned that growing soil has more insects and worms living in it. We learned about the butterfly life cycle. We looked for parallel lines and multiplication patterns on houses. We looked for examples of simple machines in our community. We mapped important places in the community. My favorite memory was when I observed the white trilliums in the forest. I liked them because white was my favorite color.

By Mitchell, Rm 208
We watched changes to the meadow and forest as the seasons changed. We collected soil samples and learned about growing soil and compacted soil. We learned about the butterfly life cycle. We looked for patterns and shapes on the houses in the neighbourhood.

By Parwez, Rm 208
On Walking Wednesdays we look for different kinds of insects, plants, animals and features in our environment. We drew maps of a park and the meadow. In winter we looked for Simple Machines in the community. We also looked for parallel lines and multiplication patterns in the neighborhood. We investigated growing soil and compacted soil by using an auger to take soil samples. I learned that good growing soil has lots of worms and humus. We investigated a gall that grew around a fly egg on the stem of a plant. My favorite memory was investigating the “wooly bear moth” caterpillar. Back at school I looked it up on the internet and a library book.

By Rachael, Rm 208
Every Wednesday we investigate our environment in the forest, meadow and community. One time, I observed the grass moving and I found out it was a snake. I learned that a caterpillar is a butterfly when it hatches from the chryslis. We investigated compacted soil and learned that plants will not grow on it because its surface is too hard. We observed animal bones and fur. I think it was a squirrel that was eaten by a coyote. My favourite part was when Shenell and Mr. Daffern’s class saw a rabbit.

By Timothy, Rm 208
On our Walking Wednesdays, we looked for parallel lines and patterns on the buildings. We observed changes to the meadow and forest as the seasons changed. While hiking through the forest, we saw white trilliums and birds in the Spring. We learned about compacted soil and growing soil. We saw snails on plants. We got to do mapping in our community.

By AJ, Rm 208
This year we did many amazing things on walking Wednesdays. We learned how the magnolia tree changed through the seasons. We searched for simple machines in the community. We learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. We investigated animal bones, fur and scat. We think it was a fox that ate a rabbit. We saw a snake lying down under the grass. We went hiking through the forest. We saw a gall growing around a fly egg on the stem of a plant. My favorite part was when Mr. Daffern released the painted lady butterfly that we had hatched in the class.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tree Planting with the Friends of the Rouge

By Parwez, Rm 208.

On Wed, May 21st we went on a tree planting field trip with Mr.Daffern’s class and Miss Calma’s class. We went there on a big school bus. We met Colin there. Colin is from “Friends of the Rouge”. Colin teaches people how to take care of the forests. He showed us how to plant flowers and trees. Colin had some volunteers to help us plant the flowers and trees. We dug a small hole, put the plant in and covered the roots with soil. The next plant had to be 2 trowel lengths away. To plant the hickory nuts we dug a small hole, put the nut in, covered it and stomped the soil flat. The next hickory nut had to be four steps away. We planted some sunflowers, evening primrose and hickory nuts. The weather was cloudy, windy and cool. We had to wear a jacket, boots, a hat, sunscreen and jeans. We had fun planting flowers and nuts.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

All About Soil

We spent several weeks in April learning about "soil". We took soil samples from our meadow and sifted it to investigate its composition. We observed the differences between healthy growing soil and compacted soil.

Back at school, our class made a chart to describe: what we knew, what we learned and what we wondered about "soil".

After snapping some digital photos in the forest, our students used PowerPoint to label areas of healthy growing soil and compacted soil. Shown below is Parwez's work from Rm 208.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Signs of Spring

It's Spring!

Warm days cause the meadow to awaken! Migrating birds have returned, babies are born and flowers burst forth.

On our walk this week, students were asked to observe and record all the signs of Spring that they noticed. The students were asked to use all their senses to make their observations.

Back at school, the students used Smart Ideas 5.0 to map out their observations. Shown here is work by Reese, Adnan and Parwez.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Multiplication in Real Life

Who knew there was so much multiplication in the real world? On one of our Walking Wednesdays, the students were asked to look for examples of multiplication in the neighbourhood. After taking some pictures, the students were asked to use Powerpoint to demonstrate multiplication as the repeated addition of equal groups.(Shown below is work by Matthew, Jacob and Parwez.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Parallel Lines

We took another walk through our community looking for mathematical concepts. This time we were on the look-out for examples of parallel lines. They were easy to find! After taking some digital photos, the students used PowerPoint to highlight the parallel lines in yellow. Shown below is work by Jeremiah and Timothy.