Friday, May 22, 2009

Tree Planting with the Friends of the Rouge

By Parwez, Rm 208.

On Wed, May 21st we went on a tree planting field trip with Mr.Daffern’s class and Miss Calma’s class. We went there on a big school bus. We met Colin there. Colin is from “Friends of the Rouge”. Colin teaches people how to take care of the forests. He showed us how to plant flowers and trees. Colin had some volunteers to help us plant the flowers and trees. We dug a small hole, put the plant in and covered the roots with soil. The next plant had to be 2 trowel lengths away. To plant the hickory nuts we dug a small hole, put the nut in, covered it and stomped the soil flat. The next hickory nut had to be four steps away. We planted some sunflowers, evening primrose and hickory nuts. The weather was cloudy, windy and cool. We had to wear a jacket, boots, a hat, sunscreen and jeans. We had fun planting flowers and nuts.

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