Thursday, October 17, 2013

We are BACK!

This blog hasn't been updated in a while.

Mostly this has been due to changing teacher roles and responsibilities. However, our commitment to place-based education and experiential learning hasn't changed. What better way is there to make learning 'real' to students, than to take them out into the real world?

Through the dedication and commitment of Mr. Daffern, Walking Wednesdays at Rouge Valley has continued in various forms through the last few years. It hasn't always been on Wednesdays and it hasn't always been with the same grades, but it has been happening. In fact, the idea has been growing and spreading to other teachers and other classes. With 'Walks' happening on various days and by various classes, we really should be calling it Walking Rouge Valley (or Walking RV for short)!

We hope to share some of the photos that have been taken over the last while. These will be posted along with some current happenings on our Walks.

Just to get us started, here are a few photos taken earlier this year.