Thursday, March 26, 2009

Signs of Spring

It's Spring!

Warm days cause the meadow to awaken! Migrating birds have returned, babies are born and flowers burst forth.

On our walk this week, students were asked to observe and record all the signs of Spring that they noticed. The students were asked to use all their senses to make their observations.

Back at school, the students used Smart Ideas 5.0 to map out their observations. Shown here is work by Reese, Adnan and Parwez.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Multiplication in Real Life

Who knew there was so much multiplication in the real world? On one of our Walking Wednesdays, the students were asked to look for examples of multiplication in the neighbourhood. After taking some pictures, the students were asked to use Powerpoint to demonstrate multiplication as the repeated addition of equal groups.(Shown below is work by Matthew, Jacob and Parwez.