Sunday, April 30, 2017

Canada 150 Tulips - Update #1

The Canada 150 Tulips that we planted last November have finally sprouted. Our Eco-Team has been busy watering the tulips. We're looking forward to the tulips blooming!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Rouge Valley Participates in Clean-up Toronto

On April 21st, Rouge Valley participated in the annual Clean-up Toronto Day.

Primary classes focused on the school grounds, junior classes cleaned up the nearby playground and park, and the intermediate classes helped clean up the neighbourhood. Overall, the school picked up over twenty-five bags of garbage and recycling!

As part of their regular "Walk" to Rouge Park, Mr. Daffern's class collected three bags of garbage at the meadow!

Rouge Valley collected over twenty-five bags of garbage and recycling!

Mr. Cheng's Class and students from the Eco Club helped organize the school-wide event.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Grade 2 Field Trip to Hillside

Mr. Daffern's Grade 2 Class went tree planting and mulching with instructors from Hillside and Friends of the Rouge.

Making friends with some early spring birds on our hike.