Wednesday, November 27, 2013


We introduced orienteering to the students today. All around the meadow, we had hidden some red poker chips, each with a unique symbol drawn on it with a permanent marker.

 After being reminded of the boundaries and the safe zone, students were asked to explore the meadow with a partner. The red markers were hung with a plastic tie at eye level. Students were asked to record the symbol for each marker that they found.

In future attempts, we plan to give students a map of the area, so that they can plot the location of the markers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Eco Club

As part of the initiative to get Rouge Valley accredited as a TDSB Eco School, students and staff came together to form the Eco Club. The club meets once a week during lunch, to discuss and plan ways to spread environmental awareness, and encourage best practices with the use of energy and resources.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Aboriginal Peoples Unit - Tipi Diorama

After studying the tipi in Rouge Park, my Grade 5 students were inspired to build their own in the form of dioramas. The tipis looked amazing in the end but were actually quite challenging to build. The bamboo skewers that the students used for poles kept shifting. Eventually we had to tape them down onto the foam board.